Information and process

Your BIM Basic certification at buildingSMART

Your exam access:

You can receive your exam access by following the link below to register:

Please use the following number to register for the exam:

- Token (english): Ke682679

Please create your personal account herewith. By logging in, creating your profile and
entering the token you are automatically enrolled for the exam date you have

Please familiarize yourself with the process before the exam and take the demo test. 

Important: If you have serious difficulties with the
registration, please contact us immediately using one of the two options:

At a later date, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to take the exam on the selected

On the day of the exam:

We would like to remind you of the importance of entering the exam meeting on time.
Unfortunately, we are unable to extend the specified time period.

Be sure to mute your voices and turn on the camera. There will be no "go signal".
Once the exam slot is unlocked, you can start.

Start the "New exam 2021".
Your password is: Quokka2023

We wish you good luck!