Individual & Customized
BIM Empowerment for your Company
The potential of efficient dovetailing of Classroom Seminars and E-Learning Trainings is the focus of our Blended Learning Concepts. Individual and Customized: Because every Customer and every Project is different.

Mix & Match
BIM Training Concepts according to your Arrangement and Company
• E-Learning
• Classroom Seminars
• Inhouse Trainings
• Web Seminars
• Blended Learning
Do you have questions or are you interested?
Then contact us now and let us make you an individual offer.

BIM with Branding
BIM E-Learnings with your Content and Corporate Design
• Customization of Content for specific Markets and Languages
• Integration of your Corporate Design
• Company-specific Content
• Customized Crash Courses
• Advanced Knowledge for specific Tasks
Do you have questions or are you interested?
Then contact us now and let us make you an individual offer.

Inhouse Software Training
Die erfolgreiche Anwendung von BIM erfordert nicht nur umfassendes Methodenwissen, sondern auch den sicheren Umgang mit passender Software. In unseren Trainings vermitteln wir Ihnen praxisnahe Kompetenzen für den gezielten Einsatz von openBIM®-Softwarelösungen.
Wir unterstützen Sie und Ihr Team dabei, BIM-Software effizient und professionell einzusetzen.