Cooperations & Interests

Our Commitment

Our joint plan: At the end of the digitization process, the construction industry will be a different one than it is today and it will have achieved the productivity progress that other industries already have.

Committees & Associations

We participate in the most important BIM committees and associations to further advance and actively shape the development of standards in Building Information Modeling.


The globally recognized competence network, focused on the standardization of processes and open exchange formats for software-independent information exchange in BIM projects.

Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
(Association of German Engineers)

Active contributor to the development of BIM guidelines in the largest association of engineers and scientists in Germany.



One of the leading providers of IT solutions in the field of BIM, relies on the software-independent training expertise of EDUBIM by DEUBIM in its courses.

ALLPLAN offers you digital solutions for architects, engineers and construction specialists. Easy to learn steps simplify and specify your planning and execution.