BIM Advanced Level Practitioner

BIM Practitioner Coordination

The internationally certified Data and Information Juggler in the BIM Process

Building on the basics from the BIM Professional Certification Foundation seminar and your practical model experience, you can now acquire the buildingSMART certification as a BIM Coordination Practitioner. The application-related further training, based on the international buildingSMART framework curriculum as well as current practical requirements, is aimed entirely at practical implementation and the acquisition of skills in BIM specialist and overall coordination.

Please note: The Coordination E-Learning and both Practitioner Coordination seminars will be held in German. Good to very good German language skills are required!

For your individual learning needs

Learning paths for Practitioner Coordination

Theoretical, exam-relevant content is taught to you in an entertaining e-learning programme enriched with a variety of gamification elements. Quiz questions support your understanding and prepare you for the first part of the exam. The practical aspect is taught in a two-part practical seminar (two days plus one day) with demonstrations and practical exercises. Homework (partly with proofreading) consolidates what you have learnt.

You should already have this BIM knowledge:


• buildingSMART Certificate Professional Certification Foundation
• Experience in Modeling
• Model Export & Model Import in openBIM

You do not have a Professional Certification Foundation certificate yet? Book now: BIM Foundation E-Learning.

That's how much time you should have:


• Practical parts I & II: 24 units

• Homework & practical self-study exercises: 20 + 20 units

Practical parts in classroom seminar or web seminar with pre- and post-exercises



Part 1 | With the final participation certificate "Professional openBIM Practitioner Coordination" of the first block, the acquired competences can already be proven to potential clients.

Part 2 | For the international certificate, a preparatory paper and the 2.5-day seminar block 2 follow, which prepares you for the buildingSMART examination for "Certified openBIM Professional Practitioner Coordination".

You want to know what happens next...

BIM Coordination with experience?

Have you already attended a coordination seminar and would like to know how to get started with the new structure?

Contact us, we will be happy to help you!


Sustainable and practice-oriented teaching of competencies

Contents of the Advanced Level BIM Practitioner Coordination

In the e-learning and practical seminars, you will learn how to use various tools to merge specialised models into coordination models, carry out quality and model checks and collision checks and implement change management. You will learn how to work with BIM execution plans, how to comply with exchange information requirements and how to work with Common Data Environments (CDE). The practical implementation of coordination is taught in various exercises using the IFC models, CDE accesses and demo software provided.

E-Learning Practitioner Coordination

BIM Coordination E-Learning | Costs 995 € plus VAT

E-Learning BIM Coordination

16 learning units (45 minutes each)

The Coordination E-Learning is based on the Practitioner Framework Curriculum from buildingSMART International and the in-depth BIM knowledge from VDI/bS-MT 2552 Sheet 8.2
In the modular learning unit, you will not only learn about the responsibilities, tasks and processes in information coordination. You will also gain knowledge about how to use AIA and create BAP, the modeling specifications, various model checks, IFC, IDM, IDS and also the special features of different software.
Integrated gamification elements break up the theoretical content and deepen what has been learned with the help of various quizzes, puzzles and practical examples.

!!! The Coordination E-Learning is a prerequisite for participation in the practical seminars!!!

BIM Coordination E-Learning | Costs 995 € plus VAT

E-Learning BIM Coordination

16 learning units (45 minutes each)

The Coordination E-Learning is based on the Practitioner Framework Curriculum from buildingSMART International and the in-depth BIM knowledge from VDI/bS-MT 2552 Sheet 8.2
In the modular learning unit, you will not only learn about the responsibilities, tasks and processes in information coordination. You will also gain knowledge about how to use AIA and create BAP, the modeling specifications, various model checks, IFC, IDM, IDS and also the special features of different software.
Integrated gamification elements break up the theoretical content and deepen what has been learned with the help of various quizzes, puzzles and practical examples.

!!! The Coordination E-Learning is a prerequisite for participation in the practical seminars!!!

Appointments and Reservation

Registrations are limited to 10 participants per seminar

Please select your desired dates directly in the booking form

Practitioner Coordination | Part 1

Day 1 | 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. | Online seminar
Day 2 | 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. | Online seminar

To the booking form

Please select your desired dates directly in the booking form

Practitioner Coordination | Part 2

Day 1 | 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. | Online seminar

To the booking form