BIM Compact

One Serving of BIM please!

Who does not know it? Time is scarce, but the little hunger for knowledge comes up. That's why we also offer our BIM knowledge in convenience courses. Whether crash courses in the use of Model Checker IFC or SOLIBRI for any application. For the first BIM entry we recommend our compact e-learning BIM Structural Engineering.

Crash Courses & Trainings

Our speakers share their experience and best practices based on concrete examples and problems from their everyday life.

Web Seminar

Solibri Training

For all Project Participants and all Use Cases

Regardless of which group of project participants you belong to or for which purpose you want to use Solibri - in this web seminar you will receive all relevant information on rule-based quality control and quality assurance from BIM model to BIM project.


Zertifizierung zum Allplan BIM Modeler

BIM Modeler

Das Modell ist zentral in der BIM-Arbeitsmethode, daher ist seine Qualität entscheidend für den Projekterfolg. Mit dem Allplan BIM Modeler Zertifikat weisen Sie Ihre BIM-Kompetenz und die Ihres Unternehmens nach. Als zertifizierter Modeler besitzen Sie fundiertes Wissen zur Erstellung und Pflege BIM-konformer Modelle sowie zu Datenaustausch und Zusammenarbeit in BIM-Projekten.
(In Kooperation mit ALLPLAN)

Weitere Infos

Web Seminar

IFC Training

The practice-oriented IFC course teaches basic concepts and procedures for implementing Building Information Modeling in an exemplary openBIM project. In this course, you will learn to implement the data exchange into IFC according to defined exchange requirements.

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